How We Serve
Our Foundation is:
holistic, not dogmatic
love-based, not fear based
inclusive, not exclusive

We offer two services weekly. One is more traditional, the other interactive. Learn more.
We have a robust workshop calendar. Check out what's next.
We believe in the power of prayer, but also the importance of action.
Want us to pray with you?


Do you feel stuck on your spiritual journey and need additional support? Request Spiritual Counseling
9:15 am
Divine Discussions
with Kelli von Heydekampf
Join us as we dig deep in discussion or simply absorb as an active listener, either way, your presence is WELCOMED! Prayer, meditation, and discussion are integral parts of this time together, though the format may vary from week to week. These conversations provide us with space to create, explore and discover our connection to the God of our own understanding. We also use this time to be present to one another in prayer, celebration, or support. We allow ourselves this space and time to come together and recognize the Christ Divinity in all and to put our Spiritual Truth into practice, so that we move into our daily lives feeling more equipped, uplifted and inspired!

Sundays @ 9:15 am. In-person only.
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10:30 am
Sunday Celebration Service
with Reverend James Stacey
In this more traditional format, Reverend Stacey (and guests) share a powerful lecture to help people discover and live their spiritual purpose and potential. We pray, meditate, listen to music, and enjoy a positive, honest, uplifting and healing environment. We would love to have you share our experience with us!

Sundays @ 10:30 am. In-person and on-line. Service runs 60-75 min

Innovative Sunday
with both Kelli & Rev. Stacey
On months with 5 Sunday's we host Innovative Sunday, A podcast-style conversation about real life... and spiritual principles. Each month we have a theme that Kelli & Reverend Stacey explore. There is live music (with singing!), Meditation, enriching conversations, snack, coffee and community. This is intended to be experimental as we continue to explore "What does it mean to be a church in the 21st century?"

We hope to see you there!

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Prayer Service
Weekly Monday - Thursday

We believe in the power of affirmative prayer. We are ready to pray with you or for you. This meditative service is focused on five themes: Inner Peace, Guidance, Health, Prosperity, and World Peace..

What is affirmitive prayer? Affirmitive prayer is prayer using the positive power of affirmation. An example of an affirmation is; "One Love shines within us all."

Why use affirmitive prayer? Affirmitive prayer provides feelings of renewal, energy, and gratitude which are all gifts of this prayerful break in the week

Monday through Thursday, 11am.

9:15 am
Divine Discussions
with Kelli von Heydekampf
Join us as we dig deep in discussion or simply absorb as an active listener, either way, your presence is WELCOMED! Prayer, meditation, and discussion are integral parts of this time together, though the format may vary from week to week. These conversations provide us with space to create, explore and discover our connection to the God of our own understanding. We also use this time to be present to one another in prayer, celebration, or support. We allow ourselves this space and time to come together and recognize the Christ Divinity in all and to put our Spiritual Truth into practice, so that we move into our daily lives feeling more equipped, uplifted and inspired!

Sundays @ 9:15 am. In-person only.
10:30 am
Sunday Celebration Service
with Reverend James Stacey
In this more traditional format, Reverend Stacey (and guests) share a powerful lecture to help people discover and live their spiritual purpose and potential. We pray, meditate, listen to music, and enjoy a positive, honest, uplifting and healing environment. We would love to have you share our experience with us!

Sundays @ 10:30 am. In-person and on-line. Service runs 60-75 min

Innovative Sunday
with both Kelli & Rev. Stacey
On months with 5 Sundays we host Innovative Sunday, A podcast-style conversation about real life... and spiritual principles. Each month we have a theme that Kelli & Reverend Stacey explore. There is live music (with singing!), Meditation, enriching conversations, snack, coffee and community. This is intended to be experimental as we continue to explore "What does it mean to be a church in the 21st century?"

We hope to see you there!

Prayer Service
Weekly Monday - Thursday

We believe in the power of affirmative prayer. We are ready to pray with you or for you. This meditative service is focused on five themes: Inner Peace, Guidance, Health, Prosperity, and World Peace..

What is affirmitive prayer? Affirmitive prayer is prayer using the positive power of affirmation. An example of an affirmation is; "One Love shines within us all."

Why use affirmitive prayer? Affirmitive prayer provides feelings of renewal, energy, and gratitude which are all gifts of this prayerful break in the week

Monday through Thursday, 11am.

Classes & Workshops
We believe learning is at the core of spiritual growth. Our classes and workshops are designed to empower, uplift, and enliven the potential in everyone.
[Block//When? (Day | Date | Time)]
[Block//Short Description]
With [Block//Lead by]
Office Hours:
Mon. 11:30 - 4:30 pm
Tues. 11:30 - 4:30 pm
Wed. 11:30 - 4:30 pm
Thurs. 11:30 - 4:30 pm

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